Groundhog on Strike for Climate

Groundhog on Strike

This was not a Happy Groundhog Day.

Fossil-fueled global warming outcomes have been worse than climate scientists predicted. Scrambled up seasons are having a cascading starvation-inducing effect on the time-sensitive relationships between flowering plans and trees, insects, and  birds.

To mark this important weather-climate themed holiday, I made a pilgrimage to the financial district and marched around the headquarters of big banks notorious for investing in the fossil fuel industry. During corporate lunch time, I sauntered through crowds of investors and bank managers on lunch break from investing in our collective fossil-fueled destruction to get a slice of pizza or a quinoa bowl from local cafes.

I plan to do more of these with themes for relevant holidays, because investors in fossil fuels should not be allowed to stand next to food trucks waiting for their lunch orders like everything is normal, because is not. Let me know if you want to join me.


Photo by Greg Cook