Epic Adventures of Fox and Owl
Where will the Epic Adventures of Fox and Owl take you?
Do you need something fun to keep your kids busy at home this summer? This year we will celebrate the annual Fox Festival with a virtual/at-home version.
Take photos or make a movie starring your puppets for a TINY FOX & OWL FILM & VIDEO FESTIVAL.
A range of activities are available for both families with young children and for creative older kids working independently: Learn about wildlife from local specialists, create colorful window art to display at home and share in photographs, make puppets of our featured characters or make your own, and make a short puppet-show movie.
Share with us by July 15 to be included in our online tiny film festival!
If you’d like expert tips, register for optional on-line family friendly arts workshops, June 10 and 11, with Sarah Peattie of The Puppeteer Cooperative, and Wonderland Spectacle Co.’s Kari Percival and Presented by ArtsArlington.org at Robbins Library, Arlington here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/virtual-fox-festival-tickets-1…
Or visit Arts Arlington for more details! http://artsarlington.org/…/fox-festival-2/fox-festival-2020/